Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Lord, bless the house of Thy servant

2 Samuel 7:28,29

Several years ago it seemed that God was telling me, through some verses in Genesis, that He would grant a request today for my family.

After Abraham "sacrificed" Isaac, God told him "because you have not withheld you son I will make you a great nation..." I felt that He was telling me that because I had not withheld my son, Josiah, from Him; I had never been angry at Him or held Him responsible, nor blamed Him for allowing Josiah to die, that he would grant my request for my family. So my prayer was that there would always be 3, yea 4 of my descendants who walk with Him throughout every generation until He returns to Earth.

That is still my prayer. Still my hope. Still my expectation. That answered prayer would, without question, be the greatest blessing, the greatest answer to prayer You could give me, LORD.

So yesterday I read a prayer that seems quite suited to me:
"And now, O LORD God, Thou art God, and Thy words are truth, and Thou hast promised this good thing to Thy servant. Now therefore, may it please Thee to bless the house of Thy servant, that it may continue forever before Thee. For Thou, O LORD God, hast spoken, and with Thy blessing may the house of Thy servant be blessed forever."

I don't ask for wealth, or riches, or fame, or any kind of greatness. I could leave Earth today a happy man knowing that this prayer is answered in my family.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009


An unremarkable life

Judges 3:11

"bla bla bla ... and Othniel the son of Kenaz died."

Othniel's life was not very remarkable, but he did get honorable mention.

I think that most of what we do is pretty unremarkable. It may be remarkable to a few of our contemporaries for a brief time. But essentially we live, we serve God or ourselves, we have a little influence over our families, then we die. We are remembered for a brief time by those who loved us, but before long they're gone too, and history says "so and so died ..."

I know it sounds depressing, but really it isn't. It is reality - we have this moment. Make the most of it, for ourselves and for those around us. Make it meaningful for eternity because that is all that will last. The rest will pass by and in a hundred years be a footnote in history, at best.

What can I do that's great? Help those around me know the Lord - not just salvation, but in all ways possible. Judges 3:11 comes very shortly after "and after Joshua died there arose a generation that did not know the Lord."

Lord, help me, then see ways to point others to you. Today.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Where is God when you need Him?

Deuteronomy 31

I wonder why, when Moses was about to die, why God told him of the apostasy the people would commit. It may have been mostly for Joshua, who was with him.

Anyway, God said that they would go after other gods / God would be angry with them / and that He would forsake them and "hide My face from them."

The people's response would be "Is it not because our God is not among us that these evils have come upon us?"

Isn't human nature something? And, aren't we all the same? We reap what we sow and then say it's because God is not here for us .. where is God when you need Him? Actually, He's wanting to help us. Why then do we then blame Him, instead of ourselves, or the enemy, Satan?

Thank you God, that you are faithful to Yourself and to Your word, and even faithful to us. If I sin & repent, you are there to rescue. You are amazing!


Thursday, August 6, 2009


Because the LORD hates us

Deuteronomy 1

It seems that some of the saints who are grieving may say the same thing that the congregation of Israel said when they were presented with the challenge - and the blessed promises - of moving out of the wilderness. For the saints, moving out of the wilderness of grief.

The Isrealites said: (v.27) "Because the LORD hates us He has brought us out ... to deliver us into the hand of the enemy to destroy us. Where can we go? ... This is too big for me ..."

It seems that the biggest key to successful grief recovery is to believe God. Believe in His goodness, and that His plans for me are good. Believe that He does not devise evil by decree. Believe that He is a God of redemption and renewal and of victory and blessing.

He wishes to bring me into a larger place - a place of blessing. A place of stability. A place of victory over my enemies.

He means to use this death or grevious situation for may salvation, to bring about LIFE. I need to let Him.

God loves to redeem. To turn bad into good / dark into light / evil into righteousness. Every time my chain has been jerked, God has brought me into a new place, a better place, than I was before. He's really good at it! Thank you, LORD.

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