Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I'm gonna make you mine

I Jn 4:10
In this is love, not that we love God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the satisfaction for our sin.

If You have done this for me, Lord, will you not pursue me to the very end?

How awesome is it to think that you care for me this way, that you will pursue me day in and day out. You will never leave me nor forsake me. You will never give up on me. Wow - you will never give up on me.

I woke up several times during the night singing a song. When I got up in the morning I was still singing the song. I found myself asking God, "Is this a song I should be singing to you? Or are you singing the song to me?" As soon as I asked the question I John 4:10 came to mind. Yes God was (and is) singing this to me:

I'm going to make you mine

I'll try every trick in the book. With every step that you take, everywhere that you look, just look and you'll find, I'll try to get to your soul, I'll try to get to your mind. I'm gonna make you mine.

I know I'll never give up, I'm at the end of my rope. From morning till suppertime you'll find I'll be waiting in line, I'll be waiting in line. I'm gonna make you mine.

Baby I'm gonna make you mine, make you mine, make you mine. Baby I'm gonna make you mine. I gonna make you mine.

I'll be a hard-loving pushin kind of individual, knockin night & day at your door. You'll have to turn me away like an indestructible force. Baby I'm gonna make you mine, make you mine, make you mine. Baby I'm gonna make you mine.

I need someone who will never give up on me, and that someone is You, Lord. You will never give up. Never. Wow. Thank you. I needed to hear that.

And - I do want to be made Yours! Thank you for pursuing me, especially when I'm not pursuing You.

What to do with this? Go to youtube and listen to the song and then think about God singing it to you all day!

i watched. i liked. i took it as my own :) thanks for sharing

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