Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Now, This is the Life!

I John 1:2
"We proclaim to you the eternal life."

John is not proclaiming a cure for death, or a program you can subscribe to, or even a result of having "saving faith." John is not writing about a path we can walk, upon which there is no death forever. Ne's not writing about heaven and the hereafter.

John is writing about the person of Jesus Christ - who is life indeed. He is life itself. Jesus does not give life, He does not dispense life, He is life.

Therefore John can proclaim in I Jn 5:12 that if I have the Son, I have the life. (This is not anarthrous "life" but "the life") John's writings are full of this statement. I Jn 1:2, 5:12, also in John 6:48, 5:26, 11:25, 14:6 and others.

To have Jesus = to have life. To see Jesus in the world this day = to see life. To know Jesus = to know life. To walk with Jesus = to walk in life. To love Jesus = to love life. The opposite is true, too: to hate Jesus = to hate life and embrace death.

Want to "live life?" Live Jesus. Embrace life? Embrace Jesus. That is why, for me to have life I had to be co-crucified with Him, co-buried with Him, co-raised with Him (Romans 6). When we see Him we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He really is.

Help me, Jesus, today, to walk with You, to see what You are doing, where You are going and where You are working in and around me, that I may participate in Your life today. Give me eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart to respond. Today.


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