Friday, May 15, 2009


One bad choice

Ex 33

When the journey was resumed Moses begged God's presence to go with them. Ex 33:5 I AM said "if I go up in your midst for one moment I would destroy you." But Moses persisted "If your presence does not go with us, do not lead us up from here ... is it not by Your going with us ... that we may be distinguished from all the other people who are on the face of the earth?"

Isn't that so true for me today.

Lord, if You aren't going to be with me today ... if I can't meet with you today and enter Your presence, then what's the use of even starting the day at all? Help me to be so marked by Your presence that I will be distinguished from those who do not know You, dear God.

I am afraid that, as I say that, the "marking" may be through more pain and terror like I experienced when Josiah died. As soon as I say that, I am reminded that Moses asked to see Your glory. As he did, what You showed him was Your goodness. Your goodness is your glory. Help me to always have an unshakable faith in Your goodness. For as I believe in Your goodness I can face each day and the uncertain thoughts of tomorrow more confidently.
God, you are so good and trustworthy, and I am so thankful for that. If it weren't true life would have destroyed me by now.

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